Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals -
Services Schiel
Organisations & Companies
The Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals (BAS)
was founded in 1995
as a non-profit organisation with the aim to collect and
produce technical language resources, mainly in the German
language. Meanwhile the BAS manages more than 40 popular
language resources which are distributed to the scientific
Most of the BASSS projects are conducted
in close cooperation with the BAS.
VIU Design Elke Kachelries
Elke Kachelries is a former staff member of the BAS and has
left the academic background to start her own business.
She is specialised in the design of spoken dialogue systems
and has provided us and our customers with many valuable
insights how to avoid costly design errors, mainly in telephone based
speech applications.
SYMPALOGs core business are telephone based speech
applications. The company is world famous for their unique
ASR techniques that enables them to process
natural speech input
over the phone.
SYMPALOG has cooperated in several publicly funded,
scientific projects with the BAS. The BASSS considers
SYMPALOG as the top competence
partner in all questions regarding
Automatic Speech Recognition.
The 'Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche
Intelligenz' (DFKI)' based in Kaiserslautern and Saarbrücken
provides top-level expertise in a large number of topics in
speech and language processing.
DFKI and BAS have cooperated in many publicly funded
projects such as ASL, Verbmobil, SmartKom and COLLATE.
Right now BASSS is supervising the
assigned to the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität under the
project coordination of DFKI (Prof. Wahlster).
Copyright 2005 BAS Services Schiel
Impressum: Florian Schiel, Moltkestr. 1, D-80803 München,
Germany, schiel@bas-services.de