Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals - Services Schiel

Corpora Production
Corpora Validation
Pronunciation Dictionaries
System Evaluation
[Seminars & Lectures]

Seminars & Lectures

Members of BASSS have a long standing experience in teaching classes and organising technical seminars. Furthermore we maintain a network of international acknowledged experts in various fields of speech processing.
Based on this BASSS offers a series of 1-day, 3-day and 5-day fundamental and advanced courses about topics in the field of speech applications. Courses may be held at the location choosen by the customer or in our own premises. The fees depend on the number of participants, topics, length, location and the number of invited experts.
  • Production of Speech Corpora (1-day, 3-day)
  • Validation of Language Resources (1-day, 3-day)
  • Speech Recognition - Fundamentals (1-day)
  • Speech Recognition - Advanced (3-day)
  • Speech Recognition - Applications (1-day)
  • Speech Synthesis - Fundamentals (1-day, 3-day)
  • Speech Synthesis - Advanced, Applications (1-day)
  • General Phonetics - Basics (1-day, 3-day, 5-day)
  • Speaker Verification - Fundamentals (1-day, 3-day)
  • Human Machine Interfaces - System Evaluation (1-day, 3-day)
  • Human Machine Interfaces - Dialogue Design (1-day, 3-day)
  • Pronunciation Coding - Basic Transcription Techniques(3-day, 5-day)
  • Pronunciation Coding - Advanced Automatic Systems (3-day)

Please contact BASSS for a lecture plan tailored to your interests together with a detailed proposal letter.

Copyright 2005 BAS Services Schiel

Impressum: Florian Schiel, Moltkestr. 1, D-80803 München, Germany,